Elementary Guidance and Counseling
Mrs. Lippitt
School Counselor
Need to register a new student? Please call 607-286-7910.
Primary Project continues at MCS! Kara Rutledge, our child associate, brings an exceptional amount of experience and skill to the program. We are very fortunate to have her. Click to learn more about Primary Project.
Please join me in welcoming all the new students and families who have moved to Milford this year!
View our Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Plan for the 24-25 school year.
My Booklist
My Links
Family Resources:
Foundation for a Better Life - This organization’s only goal is to encourage others to do good.
Dignity Act - NYS Education Department overview of the Dignity For All Students Act
Just for Girls:
The Safe Side - Personal safety tips and information.
Monique Burr Foundation for Children Curriculum used for Erin's Law lessons, K-6