A candidate has withdrawn their petition to run for the school board.
Education Law 2608 - If a candidate for whom a nominating petition for the office of member of a board of education has been duly filed withdraws such petition, dies or becomes otherwise ineligible to hold such office at a time which is later than fifteen days before the last day for the filing of nominating petitions as provided in this subdivision, the time for filing nominating petitions for such office shall be extended to five p.m. on the fifteenth day after the date on which the candidate withdrew, died or otherwise became ineligible to hold such office, provided that no such nominating petition may be filed after five p.m. on the seventh day preceding the election.
Therefore, the District has reopened the timeframe to file candidacy petitions through May 14th at 5:00PM
Petitioners who have filed petitions have been contacted and do not need to refile.
If you are interested in running for the school board, please contact the District Clerk at 607-286-3349 to pick up a petition.